About Male Incontinence Clamps

The idea of this website was born because I’m dealing with incontinence and I struggled a lot to find one device that really helped me. As you know, this is a delicate topic between men and there aren’t many websites out there with useful information about the matter. 

I ended up buying many useless, painful, and irritating devices and wasting money. One day I thought that I could share my experience and help other men with the same issues as me. I am no expert in websites though, so I apologize if something is not working fine! Just contact me if you find any issue and I will try to fix it!

As you may have noticed, I don’t use any ads to support the website. I don’t want to make any profit out of this, but I do use affiliate links to Amazon. If you click on the links the price of the product will be exactly the same as a normal purchase but I will get a small commission that will help me just enough to pay the server fees and keep buying and reviewing the newest incontinence clamps (or similar devices) that appear in the market.

Here everybody can share their experiences, so feel free to share your comments in any particular clamp or method that helped you! There is a forum too so we can help each other!! 

Thank you so much for your visit and I hope you find answers to your questions!
Best regards,
Mike C.